Option 1:
4 points forming a rhombus.

Option 2:
3 points in a triangualar shape.

Technical Requirements

For the assembly of the Chinese pole (5.5 mts. high) a space of 7.5 mts. high and 10 x 10 mts. per side is necessary (if possible one of the anchor points will be a little further away, and preferably it will be located on one of the sides of the main front).

These are the ideal measurements but can be modified depending on the dimensions of the space.

It must have four anchor points forming a rhombus or three points distributed in a triangular shape. These can be 1.000 kg weights (water, cement, sand, etc.) in each anchor point. We can also use columns, trees, cars, etc. as well as stakes into the ground.

To perform the show we need the floor completely dry. In case of performing on the grass, it must be before sunset, or have a stage, carpet, etc.

The audience can be positioned 360 degrees around the stage or in the shape of a horseshoe.


It is necessary to have two jack inputs to play the music in stereo, and a jack input to connect the microphone. These inputs must be located on the stage, so that we can operate them during the show.

Creation and interpretation: Ana Clara Manera y Martín Umere